Even from the mistakes comes something nice – in short – making mugs is sometimes very annoying work. You are almost finish turning then you see crack in the some part of the tube… yap … it happens. Normally it should go to my stove and burn in the seconds but there lands only pieces of wood with I can`t use anymore. That’s means that wood is not very often guest in the fire. Waste not they say… so from the pieces of wood becomes handlers, small statues, pedants and so on.

But what I can do with partially cracked mug??? I can cut it, turn a little bit and then … comes the bracelet. To be honest it`s not exactly my idea and work - Jurek (my right hand in workshop) is learning how to carve now and this is his practice – with I`m very proud.
You can see his work here
Remember you also can waste not ! Don`t throw things – they can have second life (often than you can expected)